Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The great "white death" has arrived...

So here I sit, day 2 of no work. My daughter hasn't had school all week. The great white death has come and laid waste to my city. It's amazing what a mere 6 to 8 inches of snow and ice can do to paralyze a modern metropolis. I guess it's better this way, less drivers on the road and people are safer. Just watching the news, it's accident after accident out on the snapping telephone poles and sliding through guardrails.

I must take this opportunity to talk about "winter driving." While I'm not from Alaska, nor having a lived my entire life in a northern state (and actually I'm from Hawaii), I have lived 5 years in Germany...a country which produces quite a bit of snow, but copes quite well. This due to their preparation and their rules/driving habits.

First of all, if you can't part your car in the garage, you most likely will end up with a few inches of snow on top of your car. Clean off the ENTIRE car before heading out. Snow thrown from your car, because your lazy ass is too ignorant to clean it off, can fly back and cause distractions for other drivers on the road! One of my vehicles in an SUV and I was out with a broom dusting off the top of it, it had to be done. Secondly, while driving in the snow/slush/white death, here are a few tips:
  1. Momentum is everything, especially when going uphill. Don't let off the gas!
  2. Minimal directional changes, think slow and steady. This requires a lot of planning and forward thinking prior to making any turns or lane changes.
  3. Everything happens slow/steady/in advance. Braking especially!
  4. Don't be afraid of the snow, just be careful. No need to overcompensate and drive 5 mph and actually make it UNSAFE as morons will try to pass you to the left and right.
  5. If you are on ice, disregard all of the above, because you are fucked.
Finally, if you can, maximize your resources. An example of that would be to get behind two big ass snow plows and follow them for 10 miles, blowing through red lights and passing other losers like it was your job!

Check out the vid

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