Monday, February 16, 2009

Taken a few weeks off

So I've been relatively busy lately, my life has been pretty busy getting ready for this deployment. Ironically, I'll probably have MORE time to blog whilst training or actually in theater. For now, as I approach our training start date things are just getting crazier by the day. As the Mobilization OIC for our Units, I have my finger on the pulse of everything that takes place and have to ensure all of my team are doing what they need to do so everything is executed on time and all of our requirements are met. It involves a lot of coordination and being very meticulous so as to not let anything fall through the cracks. I have a huge dry erase board next to my desk that I update daily, but the tough part is many things just aren't under my control...and that's when it can get sticky. To make things even better, my boss will accept nothing short of perfection, but that can be a good thing. The better news is that, in less than 3 weeks, when we start our mobilization, I get to do my "real" job of being an Infantry Platoon leader. More "hunter/killer" type stuff.

I've also been trying to cram my head with knowledge which will help during the deployment, and I really do have to know it because I'm going to hold all of my Soldiers accountable for knowing it. Things like weapons safety, clearing procedures, many things related to IED recognition and avoidance, Counter-Sniper operations, First Aid, Patrolling, and over 30 Arabic phrases. There's more but I can't think of it right now. The idea that we are going to just "show up" and succeed is ludicrus, just like any situation the more prep you can do the better. I will ensure my men have every opportunity to prepare and be successful.

So beyond that, it's been daily (for the most part) workouts, alternating between running outside and gym workouts (strength training or circuit). I must admit my running sucks ass right now, it's the winter and it's been so cold I just haven't had the motivation. This past week I was able to squeek out a slooooow 11 miles total (4, 4, 3) and I felt like crap each time. It's ok though, I'll get it back, but it's a far cry from the 30 miles/week I was running at an 8 minute mile pace.

This week will be a busy one (I had today off, yea for gubmint jobs!) with a late night planned on Wed and a long day Thurs in Columbus, and finally I'll be working Sat and Sun as the Family Mobilization briefs are those days. That's where all the families come in and get briefed on the mission, their benefits and points of contact while we are gone. I had to coordinate all the funding and payments for most of it, it was crazy.

Other than all of that, and besides working out and spending time with the family, I've been pretty much drinking every single day. Why not? Hell I'm taking 14 MONTHS off from drinking, might as well try to knock it all out now while I can.

Good times.

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