Sunday, January 4, 2009

What you want to do, need to do, and what actually will happen...

I just made my "to-do" list. I'm staring at it, it fills up one side of an envelope...hell the envelope itself is a "to-do." It's the notice that I got from Brinks (alarm) that my CC had expired and I needed to renew and pay up 2 months past due. Dammit. So yes, once again I stare at this list, realizing the the biggest effort was racking my brain in order to come up with the list itself, knowing that only about 1/3 of the things on here will even be attempted... But I feel better for identifying these things, actually one required a short email to be sent, took about 30 seconds, and as I crossed that item off of "the list" it felt pretty good. Mission accomplished. Celebrate by taking a shower, not shaving (it's been 3 days) and going to Barnes and Nobles. From there I can buy Starbucks Coffee (I really don't like it all that much) and be around people while chipping away at my list.

The worst thing on my list: Online Bills to pay. I hate them, they happen every two weeks, be it a mortgage or some other bank account draining debt. I always put it off, never long enough to get a late fee, but just to keep the $$ in my account for another day, even though there is no doubt it is already committed and doesn't really belong to me anyways. So funny how that works, but I do it every time. Stupid mortgage! I think I'll stop paying altogether and just have my mail forward to President Obama, he will save me/bail me out. What? A political jab in my Blog? Did I just do that? All I know is, after Jan 20 I will no longer have to pay my bills, gas will be 5 cents/gallon, and it will be 75 degrees and sunny every single day with a 5mph wind from the southeast. I can't wait!

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