Monday, January 12, 2009

Why are we such terrible drivers here in America?

I lived in Germany for 5 glorious years. The shorts answer as to why drivers in that country are far superior to drivers here is: they follow the rules, utilize common sense, and drive with someone other than themselves in mind.

Following the rules: Driving to the right, only utilizing the left lane to pass. Here we think we should just drive in whatever lane we want, this causes traffic problems.

Common Sense: The misperception is that there are no speed limits on the autobahn. This isn't true. There are areas with no speed restrictions, but when dangerous areas approach limits are imposed. It is expected that drivers utilize common sense for these systems to work, to police themselves. Can you imagine if we had areas with no limits? Carnage...absolute carnage would result.

Not being selfish: Driving with the greater good in mind, I refer back to the "drive right unless passing" example. How many idiots have you seen cruising at 55mph in the left lane, holding up traffic, causing frustrated drivers to speed up and make a dangerous right lane pass?

But whatever, it is what it is.

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