Saturday, January 17, 2009

Blaming "they"

Why are we afraid to claim responsibility for things as humans? Why must we blame a third party, so as to avoid conflict or personal responsibility? Inevitably, that third party is the ubiquitous "they." What triggered this post was a snippet of a conversation that I heard while walking through the gym. You have to walk by the racquetball courts on the way to the weight room, the area was packed with people. As I walked by a court, I heard this:

Man who I assume was playing but getting told to leave: "So, if you don't have a reserved court, you can't play? Does everyone have a reserved court here?"

Woman who had the court reserved in advance and who was getting on court: "Yea, I don't know, all I'm doing is what "they" told me to do..." In her most apologetic tone.

Seriously!!?? Not that you have to be an asshole but how about: "I'm not sure, but I have a reservation for this time so I'd appreciate it if you'd let me on the court."

People are so afraid of ANY conflict, so we resort to passing blame on anything and everything. Even when someone is wrong, they often blame "they" as the entity who "told me to do it." The best way to cut someone off when they have to dead to rights, is simply to admit it. Yes, I screwed up, sorry it won't happen again.

I'm convinced some people have kool-aid that pumps through their veins.

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