Monday, January 5, 2009

Amateur hour at the gym...


Ok I knew this would happen. No place to park, extra crowded, barely can walk around the equipment.....I step away for 30 seconds to take a drink and someone is trying to use my shit. Hello! I'd be happy for everyone that's here at the gym now if I knew they would stay and make an effort, sadly....most will quit after a week, and the rest after 2 to 3 weeks. They will cite being too busy, just can't get back into it, excuse 1, 2, 3, 4 etc etc.

I'm not saying we all need to workout like 6 days a week, but our society is in danger, we throw garbage down our necks, never exercise and wonder why we and our small children are fucking FAT. And then............oh it gets better............and then..........we expect taxpayers to pick up the tab for your medical bills!? Wait, it's a disease! Someone forced me to eat 5 whoppers in one day!

Look, if ya need help, just ask. If you want to stay and workout, I applaud you. If you need a spot, I'm your guy. But, don't come here half-hearted and take up space, only to quit.

I'm not sayin, but I'm just sayin.

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