Friday, January 16, 2009

Parking: back in vs pull in straight

This is something that has confused me ever since I started driving, why do people back in to parking spots? In the military we do it because our vehicles are often large and have limited visibility. We have a "ground guide" assist and back the vehicle in, makes for a good combat park and ease of use when pulling out.

Backing in you Honda Civic...or even your SUV? Seems like a complete waste of effort to me. Let me shoot down some arguments "for" backing in, as I can anticipate there are some. The most prevelant would be "it saves time when I leave.". In a vacuum, yes you can probably pull out faster than I can back out of a spot, but not THAT much faster. Also, economics teaches us that there is no such thing as a free lunch, you pay for everything in some form. By that I mean you pay, and your currency is time, for backing in by losing time on the front end, which when examined as the big picture effectively negates any time savings whatsoever. While you are wasting time backing carefully into a spot, I've already pulled in, parked, and am walking across the parking lot.

Think about this too, when you back into a space, you oftentimes have to fit in between two spots with cars, so you have to be careful. When you are backing OUT of a spot, sure you have to look but you have the entire lane to back into, thus giving you much more battlespace to operate it!

I could keep going, but I've already squashed the argument...I win the "backer-inners" lose. Haha

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