Thursday, January 1, 2009

This morning attitude versus this evening...

This morning: Damn, I gotta stop drinking this fucking much, where are the Excedrin? I'm gonna need some coffee, but don't feel like drinking it, just want water. Ugh...What? Oh hell yea I'm pouring the rest of this shitty rum down the drain, fuck drinking for a while. Yup, take your ass down the drain you evil evil beverage, you obviously force yourself down my throat, it's not my fault but yours. Must go back to sleep, why did the sun have to rise today? Why are all these lights on? If my dog barks one more time I'm going to punt his little ass into next week.

This evening: Hmmm....Ya know I didn't pour out the tequila, and there is still some Margarita mix leftover. Hmmm....

Funny how that happens right? I've resisted though, probably not going to tip any back for a few days, just to give the old body a break. Besides, I'll be going on a 14 month hiatus when I start training up to leave. I remember when I went to Iraq the 1st time, they had O'Douls, Sharps (non-alcoholic beer). Disgusting...

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