Saturday, January 3, 2009

Comedy in the gym...

I don't claim to be "Joe fitness" nor have I ever aspired to get on stage and hit poses for the crowd, but I have been a faithful gym/workout nut for no less than 15 years. Having established my credentials, there are some things that just crack me up when I go to the gym, and yesterday was no exception. Granted, I applaud anyone for getting off their ass to do something, especially given that 2/3 of our society are chubby. It's the little things that crack me up though, and I'll name a few:

  1. The "little brother" shirt: Ok, I wear cutoff sleeves in the gym, have been doing it for years, but on shirts that are still an XL. We all know Abercrombie shirts fit small to begin with, so why would anyone purposely buy a Medium and wear it to the gym? It's not even a gym shirt!? When your sleeves are up in your armpit, and it's not because your guns are huge and expanding the shirt, you probably shouldn't be wearing that in the gym...or anywhere for that matter.
  2. The "wife beater" in the gym: Maybe when I'm outside BBQing, or cruisin down the street in my '64 Impala on the west side of LA...but in the gym that's a NO-GO. Seriously, don't want to look like I'm lifting in "the yard" at Pelican Bay. Buy a real shirt foo!
  3. Bothering me (or anyone) when in the middle of a set: I'm bent over the weight rack, doing tricep kick-backs, this kid comes out of nowhere and says "excuse me" and took me off guard, instinct caused me to step back (cause I'm a nice guy), but true musclehead probably would have been like "can't you see I'm in the middle of a set dumbass?" Just wait until I'm done and then you can go after your 15lb weights. Friggin tool. I cut him some slack though, he looked newish to the whole gym scene.
  4. Not putting away your weights: Yesterday there was a bunch of high-schoolers in there, or maybe college age but I'm not sure. Took up a lot of space and when they left, they left their shit just laying around the side of the free weight room. Dumbells everywhere, curl bars on the floor with weights still on them, towels not thrown in the hamper...WTF? I didn't know exactly who was the culprit, but if they had been in the area I definitely would have said something. Who wants to come behind someone and have to disassemble all that shit? Friggin amateurs.
So that was just from yesterday. I have a whole list of pet peeves from the gym (80's workout clothes, underarmor shirts, tank tops with gold chains, carrying the milk jug full of water etc) but I'll save those for another time. Usually I just go in there, put on my Rage Against the Machine music and ignore everyone. Still doesn't keep me from making some you can see.

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