Tuesday, January 6, 2009

More gym frustration...

Today, driving around the gym parking lot....for like 10 minutes looking for a spot to park. What the hell is going on? Dec 24th all over again? Did I accidentally go to the mall? Freakin ridiculous.

Here is what happened. I'm sitting on the upright chair, the one where the back is at a 90 degree angle, so as to give you maximum support for shoulder type exercises. I'm doing dumbbell shoulder presses, each dumbbell weighs 105lbs. So, not too light, my heaviest set. Once you are complete, you don't exactly set them on the ground. You can't really rotate a fatigued arm/shoulder down while maintaining positive control of the weight while "placing" it on the ground. A huge strain on the shoulder with a heavy weight could cause injury. So, I bring them down quickly, and release them about a foot off the ground. 105lb bells make a decent noise on the rubberized floor when you set them down. I HATE people that throw weights, so I never do that, but if you read my previous explanation, I felt justified in making a little noise.

Enter tool-bag #1, the volunteer guy who cleans up the gym and passes out towels. After that set I walked over to the water fountain, he motions to me (I had earphones in) and says, "don't throw the weights." I responded "hey, those are 105's, you don't exactly set them down." Then he goes on about how the weights get broken (hmm, maybe if you didn't have old ass weights and actually used the ton of cash you get from membership fees and grants to fix the WEIGHT room instead of investing in stupid cross training or cardio step rooms which never get used). Bottom line, I just looked at this tool, put my ear phones in and turned my back and walked away, not sure if he was still talking or not.

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