Sunday, December 28, 2008 food

So I stopped on the way home from the gym to pick up some items which would be crucial to me attaining my goal of losing a couple pounds from the belly. Granted, these are not considered "health food" by any stretch, still not the best given their fat/sugar/calorie content, but the (much) lesser of two evils when considering what I have been putting down my throat. Think fries, chicken wings, various casseroles, ham, appetizers, the list goes on and on... I think we should all be entitled to pig out every now and then, this way we can get back on track with a definite motivation and willingness to stick with it. By simply drinking iced tea, eating salads loaded with tuna and substituting yogurt or other fruits for snacks instead of potato chips, the 5 or more pounds will be gone in a week and the tummy will be tighter. Too friggin easy, just gotta stick with it.

The gym workout today was pretty decent too, I almost forgot to mention. Did some circuits, round robin type stuff. Pull-ups, Dips, incline sit-ups, push-ups, leg raises....if that is 1 set then I did that set 5 times without many breaks. Definitely leaves you gasping for air, feeling like a weakling. Tomorrow is shoulders, and abdominals. One thing about me, I never really do any given routine on a set day, nor to I log my routines, nor do I do the exact same thing every time. I guess I just go until I can't go anymore, and do whatever feels right at the time. Seems to have worked thus far...

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