Sunday, December 28, 2008

50 Meter Target

Short term goal this week. Lose 5 lbs. Easily achieved, and I've done it many times before. The problem is, do I WANT to do it, can I have the discipline to do it? I rarely weigh myself, but I'm pretty sure I'm tipping the scales at around 210 right now. I'm by no means fat, chubby, overweight, but in my personal opinion I need to be between 200 and 205 to feel good about myself. I have a few things working against me currently:
  1. Winter
  2. Holiday food binge
  3. Winter
  4. I hate to run in the cold
  5. Winter
So as you can tell, I need to get off my ass and drop of few pounds this week. Since I don't utilize a scale, I depend on another scientific method to determine where I am weight wise. It's the "do I feel like I am constantly sucking my gut in/how do I look in the mirror" method. The first is self-explanatory, right now I feel like I have to suck my gut in all the time, lest it push out and make me feel bad. The second involves a mirror. If I can look in the mirror and see all the stomach muscles, I'm fine. If I look in the mirror and the bottom two are becoming obscured by a layer of evil padding, then well....we've got work to do.

The problem lies not in my workout, other than the lack of running. I still do cardio, and lift weights, and some circuit training. The issue is in my diet. So, for this week I vow to cut back and eat healthier, and continue to just do what I do in the gym. Today I'm planning on some circuit training and then the boredom of the treadmill. I hate the'mill, but its cold and windy outside, and us Infantryman just can't be uncomfortable, that would be a travesty!

We'll see where I'm at a week from now. Even writing this on the blog provides some form of accountability. Interesting how that works eh?

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