Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Officially bachin it for 10 dayz...

That's right, just dropped my wife and daughter off at the airport, they are headed off to tropical regions for 10 days whilst I suck up the cold here in the Nasty Natti. Usually I'm the one that leaves, for 2008 I've been gone about 8-9 months out of the year, this time they get to leave me behind. Funny thing, later this month I have another 3 week school, and then end of Feb I start train-up which effectively puts me away from home for 14 months. I love what I do though, wouldn't have it any other way. I was talking to a friend the other day, she was freaking out about leaving her kids behind to take a weekend trip with her Makes you realize this life isn't for everyone, andthats perfectly ok with me.

Ok, just a point of interest here, it's pretty difficult blogging while driving with a knee through a city construction zone on a major highway...but I digress...

So anyhoo, back to the topic at hand, I'm rollin solo for a while. Should make for an interesting New Years celebration, hopefully I don't meet one of my dogs under the mistletoe, as they will be my only company as we bring in the 2-double-oh-nizzle (2009). Hell, I'll probably go to sleep before then, what's the big deal anyways? A man made point in time given significance yet again by men, commercialized and bled dry by retailers, and an excuse to get blasted by party-goers. Good times!

First order of business for me, stopping at the gm on my way home. Should be pretty empty this time of day, can't wait to get my lift on, gotta smack the abs hard too.

Ok, I'm out!

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