Sunday, December 28, 2008

Patience (and boredom) pays off...

So today is one of those days where you sit around the house, do some laundry, wash dishes, get tired of watching TV, play on the internet, yadda yadda. I was sitting at my desk and opened the left drawer, and inside was my bib from the recent Army Ten Miler that I ran in Washington D.C., back in October. I kind of wanted to have a picture from this event, since for me running 10 miles might as well be like scaling Mt. Everest, besides I just like cool shit hanging on my wall.

Google assisted me in finding the website that takes and sells photos for various races across the country, hundreds of thousands of photos in their database no doubt. I found the link for the 2008 ATM, typed in my bib # and came up with a big fat 0. Hmmmm, this does not bode well thought I. However, they did say that if you can't find your picture, you can scroll through their "lost and found" archive to see if your picture was in there. Ok, cool, seriously how many pictures could there be? Ok sure, the race had over 25,000 runners but hey, most should have gotten a proper picture with their bib # exposed. And so my scan/click next page journey began. I found my picture...after looking at about 6000 people that WERE NOT me. Hey, what else did I have to do today? After all, a couple hours of time on the computer, a lifetime on the wall in a cool case with my bib # in there too. Bragging rights beotches!

The only bad part about this picture is the obviously older gentleman who is in front of me, this gives the distinct impression that I am running with an imaginary refrigerator on my back, or that I simply am slower than a donkey. Both are true, and if you notice my sexy knee brace, I will tell you that I simply overtrained for this event, and my knee was throbbing the entire way. Even now, in Dec, I still feel the strain sometimes when I run. Ah well, it's all good. I forgot to mention, this print was $30 to order as an 8x10! Yikes, what a rip! I got an 8x10 printed from Walgreens the other day, cost me $2.

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