Monday, December 29, 2008

I always want to quit...

No matter if I'm running 2 miles, 6, 10....there is always a point at which I want to stop. It's interesting because that point varies based on distance, it has to be a mental thing. If I'm running 2 for time (Army Physical Fitness Test), I always think I'm going to keel over around the 1.25 mile mark. If I'm going for say, 6 miles, the 3rd and 4th are always the "hump" miles, and so it continues.

I'm so far away from where I need to be right now, I'm basically (to use an overused analogy) just treading water in the cardiovascular fitness department, trying to hold on to some form of fitness until it warms up. To give you an idea where I should be, last summer I was able to run 5 miles in the Georgia heat and humidity, over pretty hilly terrain, in under 40 minutes. This was one of our requirements to pass Infantry school. Of course there was the train up for the Army 10 miler too, where I was running 25 to 30 miles a week, not stellar but a pretty significant achievement for me.

Which brings us to my sad state of being currently. I just ran for 28 minutes outside, and it was a real struggle. I'm guessing about 3.5 miles at my snails pace. Like I said, I'm just hanging on by a thread. I couldn't have done another half mile if you told me there was a open bar waiting at the end. Maybe that's my issue? Too much booze lately? I dunno, I drank quite a bit in Infantry school, so that can't be the problem. After all, we all know a drink per day keeps the DR away.

So now I'm in recovery mode. Relax for about an hour, eat a Tuna salad and suck down a protein shake, and then go to the gym. Hopefully my struggles motivate others to get out there as well. I am probably one of the biggest procrastinators known to the human race, Captain Lazy right here ladies and if I can get out and do it so can you!

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