Monday, February 16, 2009

Another "prom" to go to...

In the military we love our social functions, and I had another one about a week ago. Any reason to get the Blues on, get the ladies in their gowns, and get obnoxiously drunk while telling lies and war stories usually qualifies as a good time. This past one was our unit "Red and White" Cavalry Ball, in which the even was from about 6pm until 11pm...and then the hotel bar thereafter. Everything is solid in my mind until the 9pm (or so) mark. From that point, it was Karaoke, talking the State CSMs ear off, and more Karaoke. Then it was various local bars of which I have little recollection, and then the hotel lobby telling more stories. I remember sitting in the hotel restaraunt the next morning just wishing I could die, after drinking a huge glass of water. Damn rum and cokes, got me again...

More pictures follow below:

Getting Ready to go

Ladeez at the table

Our table

One of my good NCOs

Karaoke, the need to share the mic at that point in time was so crucial

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